The alarm went off at 0600 and we were weighing anchor by 0630. The first bridge we encountered was the one we missed yesterday afternoon, opening only once an hour at quarter after the hour. We were determined to catch the 0715 opening! It was just over a mile from our anchorage to the bridge and we made good time, so we had to wait for it. Better than having missed it and having to wait for the 0815 opening. Unfortunately we had a slower sailboat travelling behind us most of the morning so the bridge operators asked us to wait for them before they opened the bridges (those bridges that opened on request). That put us a bit behind but we were able to shake the other sailboat by late morning (they were too slow for one of the restricted openings) so we were able to adjust our speed to catch the rest of the openings for the day. We did 18 bridges and 39.6 sm today in 9.5 hours. The other day we did 68 sm in about the same time, just goes to show you how much the bridges slow you down!

Some people's toys total more than our assets!
Catalinas everywhere!
Another Catalina.
Fort Lauderdale home.
Another one.
And another.
This is how the 99% live.
Waterfront bar along the ICW.
Getting in the Christmas mood.
At one point we heard on the VHF radio about the ICW being closed. Oh great! Only later on did we realize that it was being closed because this is the biggest boating night in Fort Lauderdale for the year - the light parade, where boats get "all dressed up" with lights and parade up and down the ICW. Leave it to us to arrive in the midst of the busiest day of the year! That meant anchorages and marinas were going to be full. We lucked in though and found the perfect anchorage at the mouth of a bay right beside the ICW, perfect for watching the parade. Diana and Gilbert were planning on dinghying to our boat to watch the parade but they were stopped because of the ICW closure. For about 3 miles north of us there were bleachers set up, people setting up lawn chairs, bus loads of people arriving and a big police presence.
We set anchor at 1615 and enjoyed watching smaller boats arrive in our bay and attempt to set anchor in preparation for the parade. It was quite comical. I'm sure half of the boaters never set an anchor before!
In English.
En espanol.
Our anchorage late afternoon.
Our anchorage early evening.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a good weather window for going to the Bahamas. The anchorage where Diana and Gilbert are is supposedly quite full and some boaters are planning on taking advantage of the weather and leaving so we are going to move there tomorrow - closer to everything for reprovisioning.
The light parade of boats started at 1930 and lasted until 2130. Videos of that to follow.
Hey guys, thoroughly enjoying following your travels. Look forward to it each day. You are doing a wonderful job! Just figuring out how to post a comment. I'm not too computer savy....Carleen from Urology