Anyhow after Union Island we sailed to Petite Martinique (PM) for fuel and then on to Petit St. Vincent (PSV) where we caught up with Diana and Gilbert. We dinghied back to (PM) for a walk, a few groceries but more importantly cheap beer and wine as we were informed by a cruiser in Union Island. He was not wrong! We snorkeled, had happy hour aboard Starliner, walked the beaches of PSV with permission as it is a private island and generally laid low for a few days. The weather was quite warm and the anchorage was relatively relaxing save one night when we had winds to 35 kts causing everyone to be awake and checking their anchors.
We stayed anchored off PSV until August 26 when we sailed back to Union Island, cleared out in the morning and then sailed to Tyrrel Bay, clearing in, in the afternoon of the 26th and staying the 27th as well.
I must explain. When you leave one country, you must clear out and when you arrive to another country, you must clear in. Union Island, Tobago Cays and PSV belong to the Grenadines so when you visit them (and than means if you want to visit land you are obliged to clear in). However if you stay on your boat and do not visit the islands (by setting foot on land) then you technically do not have to clear in, just fly your quarantine flag (yellow flag). Tyrrel Bay (on the island of Carriacou) belongs to Grenada. As we will be sailing back to Grenada tomorrow, we cleared in at Tyrrel Bay.
CS'ta Time anchored at Union Island.
The Barracuda Restaurant.
The bar.
Arriving at Petite Martinique.
Boat building is a big industry on PM.
The main street on PM, pretty low key here.
Clifton, Union Island.
Now that's a mango.
The best way to eat a mango - the messy way!!
We plan on leaving Tyrrel Bay with Alain and Sylviane tomorrow morning and arriving in St. George tomorrow afternoon.