Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Just a reminder of how beautiful a Caribbean sunset is . . . last night . . .

Nothing between us and Panama but 6000 km.

This was before the wine. The rocking of the boat makes it difficult to take a steady picture.

This morning was anything but a lazy morning! I decided I needed to tackle the cockpit . . . it was showing signs of neglect. After breakfast and dishes, Jorge removed the grating over the main part of the cockpit floor. It was surprising what accumulated there. I spent most of the morning trying to remove red wine stains from the fiberglass (too many sloppy happy hours!) not to mention the normal dirt/sand/salt. By noon I was satisfied with my work. Jorge spent the morning reading the internet and researching Honda generator problems and their fixes.
The research desk (aka the dining table in the main salon).

The generator in the work shop (aka on the cockpit table).

After lunch he was ready to tackle the generator. Because the problem started after he tipped the generator on its side to change the oil, he figured a float device had somehow malfunctioned. My solution was to give the thing a shake and free up the "float". While Jorge was studying the generator, I decided to tackle the hull. It was growing stuff. While I was cleaning the hull (above the water line, below the water line was too nasty and required more elbow grease than what I had), I heard the generator start in the cockpit. Jorge had tipped it on its side, simulating changing the oil, rocked it back and forth, then set it down and pulled the starter. Anyway it went. He thinks he solved the problem but in reality it was my idea to give the thing a shake! Who says women aren't mechanically inclined?

So, we got the cockpit cleaned, got one side of the hull cleaned (above the water line only), got the generator going and equalized the batteries. Four boat jobs done in one day, a very successful day.

We went to the yacht club late in the day. Today's showers were well deserved. We chatted with Dave a bit (fellow cruiser) and then headed back to CS'ta Time for dinner.

The evening was quiet, no clouds, quarter moon and lots of stars, 28C in the boat at 2100, little breeze. It is going to be a warm night!

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