Friday, July 18, 2014

Here is a picture from July 15, 2014, the video did not upload.

Early morning rainbow.
July 17, 2014

Last night we received an email from Diana and Gilbert wanting to know if we were game for another walk to Concord Falls. Gwen and Guillome of Slow Waltz from Oakville, and whom we first met in the Bahamas, were also game. The six of us met at the bus terminal in St. George and then boarded a bus to Concord Falls. We had thought about taking a taxi to the first falls and then walking to the second falls. Unfortunately no taxi was available so we walked . . . an hour on paved road up hill and then 45 minutes on a path through the rain forest to the second falls. At times the path was muddy and we had to cross the river many times. Finally we reached the falls and they were gorgeous! We had picnic lunches, ate freshly picked mangoes and swam. We were beginning to dry off from the swim when it began to rain. We decided to stay in our bathing suits and start walking back. I never thought I would say it but we felt a chill coming out of the waterfalls with the rain falling. Of course on the way back, the path was muddier and quite slippery and I have the scrapes on my shins to prove it!

The second of three falls making up Concord Falls.

The pool at the bottom of the falls (freshly picked mangoes on the rock to the left).

Looking up to the top of the falls.

Jorge enjoying a fresh mango.
Kim with the Concord Falls behind.

After lunch and a swim.

Farmers cultivate vegetations on any flat area on the way to the falls.

Muddy path, sometimes ankle deep!

Crossing the river for the umpteenth time.

Jorge on part of the path leading to the falls.
Souvenier shops, paved road ends here at the first falls, rain forest path begins.


By the time we reached the paved part of the road on the way back, the skies had cleared and as we descended it got quite warm again. By the time we got to the main road, we were ready for a cold beer which we enjoyed before catching the bus back to St. George.

We walked part of the way back to the yacht club from the bus terminal, where we left the dinghy, before finally catching a bus the rest of the way. It was almost a 4 hour walk today and our legs were beginning to feel it! It was a great day though and it was good to see Diana and Gilbert and Gwen and Guillome again.

We had dinner in the cockpit, enjoyed the sunset with our wine and then turned in by 2130.

July 18, 2014

It was very overcast when we awoke and the rain started shortly after 0800. It continued to rain until late morning, part of the time again forcing us to retreat into the boat from the cockpit. We even had a flash of lightening and quite a loud clap of thunder.

The rain had stopped by noon so we were able to take the dinghy to shore to partake in Friday Burger Day. The Cruiser’s WiFi has not been as good as promised so we hung out at the yacht club for the afternoon, doing internet stuff and watching some news on t.v. I also needed to post some snail mail again so off I went for a walk to the post office. Like I needed the walk after yesterday! We had a few rain showers off and on during the day but the temp was a comfortable 26C to 27C. Rain is forecast for the next three days with temp around 30C.

Back to the boat late afternoon for dinner.

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