Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 12, 2014

We were up listening to the cruiser's net this morning. It reconfirmed that the propane truck was going to be available outside of Da New Eddie's Restaurant at 1100. Great because we were out of propane in one tank! Off we went to town (about 1 nm mile dinghy ride). We had a few other things to do in town as well.

My job was to wait with the propane tank in the parking lot and get it filled. Jorge was off getting gasoline for the generator and dinghy. Unfortunately the word spread that the propane truck had broken down and was not going to be available. Oh well, I had to wait for Jorge to come back from getting the gas so sat in the parking lot and waited. Good thing because word had spread that a pick up was going to gather all the propane tanks, take them to the shop, fill them and then return them! Okay so the pick up arrived at 1130, took the tanks (those who hadn't left) and promised them back in half an hour. Jorge returned shortly with his tanks filled and we waited. Not bad, the propane tanks were back in just over an hour - filled! While we waited, we had our picnic lunch. A couple of local young men picked some coconuts and using a machette opened two of them for Jorge and me so we enjoyed fresh coconut water with lunch.

The propane line up.
Going for gasoline.
Dinghy central.

We then went towards the main part of town where we met Diana and Gilbert. We walked back to Da New Eddie's with them as they had not had lunch. Jorge and I had drinks.

The guys headed off to the hardware store. After having heard that Gilbert caught a 4' mahi mahi (fish) Jorge got so excited that he decided to buy fishing gear at the hardware store and try his hand at fishing! Diana and I did one of the grocery stores. This was their first time in town so we were "showing" them around.

We met up with the guys at the hardware store and then parted ways, Jorge and I to CS'ta Time and Diana and Gilbert to do some more touring of the town. Before leaving town, we also got free fresh water in our water containers from the dinghy dock.

It was hot today, I'm sure in the low 30s!

February 13, 2014

Just as predicted the wind picked up during the night to 20 - 25 kts along with a thunderstorm and lots of rain! Jorge was up a few times checking on things but all remained secure. It had rained off and on all night but had stopped by 0900 and the skies started to clear.

We had just mentioned to Diana and Gilbert yesterday that we were surprised our Batelco package was still working. We were sure we had used up the money we had put on the data plan. Lo and behold last night when we tried to get internet, there it was gone! That was Jorge's job after lunch. I decided to stay on the boat and do some cleaning.

The rain had made things a bit cooler today, although not being directly in the sun, it may have been deceiving.

There is another lightening show this evening to the south. More rain is forecast for tonight, hopefully the winds will not increase.

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