Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thanks everyone for all the positive comments about our blog. I'm glad people are reading and enjoying it. Now I'm under pressure to keep it up!

Jorge and I were thinking of HYC today - first lift-out :( It's a nice feeling not to have to think about winterizing the boat this year (considering it was close to the end of August before we could put the mast and sails back on it). The sailing season really is too short in Ontario. The weather remains nice here (as you can see in the pictures). People can still wear shorts and t-shirts during the day but a light jacket is needed in the evening.

We had a pretty lazy morning. Funny, we've been traveling for almost 2 months and we are still reorganizing and rearranging things on the boat, something important always seems to be hard to get at, or something else is always in the way. Problem is once we relocate an item, it takes us hours to figure out where that new location is and usually involves tearing the boat apart to find it!

We dinghied into town in the afternoon, wandered the streets, checked out some shops and had an ice cream. We visited the visitor information booth and picked up some tourist pamphlets. Darn, they put away the bikes for the season yesterday at the harbour office so we'll be walking. Actually there is a free shuttle bus that runs through downtown Annapolis so we hopped on it and had a tour.

The dinghy dock downtown Annapolis.
(This dock will be closed tomorrow to set up for the boat shows).

Boats of all sizes here, big and


Annapolis City Marina (one of many marinas in the area).

Sunset off the stern of CS'ta Time in Spa Creek, Annapolis.
Returning to CS'ta Time in Spa Creek after an afternoon in Annapolis.
The sunset.

Another quiet evening in the anchorage. Tomorrow we are planning on visiting the Naval Academy for a tour.

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