We left Campbellford at 0900 to catch the first opening of the locks. Luckily there were no boats locking "downstream" so we were able to lock through right at 0900. We made excellent time, locking past Lock 18 at Hastings and continuing along Rice Lake, which was very calm, and up the Otonobee River towards Peterborough, whose current really didn't slow us down. We arrived at Scott Mills, Lock 19, at the bottom end of Peterborough at 1930, quite happy with our day. The weather was nice with sunny skies and no rain.
June 20, 2015
We were up and locking through Locks 19 and 20 in the morning. We arrived at the lift lock, Lock 21, around 1030. Our daughter, Jodi, and her boyfriend, Chris, were meeting us at noon to experience going through some of the locks. They arrived at 1100 but who cared! We hadn't seen them since last November! The four of us had lunch out at a Peterborough restaurant, getting back to CS'ta Time around 1400. We did the lift lock together and then Jodi and I bailed at the top of the lock. We were driving her car to Lakefield, Lock 26, where we were meeting the guys. Jodi and I did some window shopping in Lakefield, only 8 miles up the river, while we waited for Jorge and Chris who arrived at 1730. They hit one low spot just before Lock 24 when Jorge ran aground in the mud. He just backed off and they were on their way again. We enjoyed supper at one of Lakefield's restaurants before saying good-bye to the kids.
The view from the top of the Peterborough lift lock.
Jodi and Kim at the lift lock.
CS'ta Time's name (in pink) on the Graffiti Wall at the lift lock.
The lift lock.
We had a down day, staying at Lakefield and enjoying the area. Did nothing strenuous for the day. Around suppertime, the cruise boat Kawartha Voyageur showed up at the lock and who should be on it but members of HYC . . .
Sandy, Linda and Jorge at Lock 26, Lakefield.
June 22, 2015
We left the lock at Lakefield at 0800. The plan was to only go 6 miles to the next lock and visit there but Young's Point didn't promise too much in the way of entertainment so we decided to go further, making our way to Buckhorn. We arrived and tied up at lower Buckhorn Lake, before going through the lock. We toured the small town before retiring for the night.
June 23, 2015
We locked through Buckhorn but stayed at the lock on the top side. The winds were incredibly strong and we didn't want to chance traveling Buckhorn Lake and Pigeon Lake trying to make it to Bobcaygeon with the mast down. It was another down day, doing not too much.
June 24, 2015
It was good that we waited at Buckhorn. This morning was very calm and sunny. We had a totally uneventful trip, leaving Buckhorn at 0800 and arriving to Bobcaygeon around 1130. The day was sunny and warm. We wandered around town checking out antique shops and boutiques but not buying anything. Duchess of Chaos caught up with us and we visited with them in the early evening. It was a relaxing day in general.