Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The morning started off with rain but we were still able to enjoy breakfast in the cockpit. It rained off and on most of the morning and we got additional showers on our way back from town just before lunch. We were going to go back into town for empanadas for lunch but decided against it because of the rain. By 1330 the rain had stopped and we decided to go into town for a walk. The "loud music beach" was the spot of choice.

Our anchorage from the beach.

The beach, St. George in the background. 
This beach was not the white sandy beach like Grand Anse Beach, this was more volanic rock. There were steps leading up the hill from the beach towards what we thought used to be a grand house with stunning views. 

The steps leading from the beach to the hilltop.

Our anchorage from the hill.


Gazebo at the top.
CS'ta Time is the third boat from the right.
We finished our walk without anymore rain. We we thankful for the cloud covering as the day was very warm with little breeze and humdity was 94%!
If the other night's sunset was beautiful, tonight's was magnificant!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Just a reminder of how beautiful a Caribbean sunset is . . . last night . . .

Nothing between us and Panama but 6000 km.

This was before the wine. The rocking of the boat makes it difficult to take a steady picture.

This morning was anything but a lazy morning! I decided I needed to tackle the cockpit . . . it was showing signs of neglect. After breakfast and dishes, Jorge removed the grating over the main part of the cockpit floor. It was surprising what accumulated there. I spent most of the morning trying to remove red wine stains from the fiberglass (too many sloppy happy hours!) not to mention the normal dirt/sand/salt. By noon I was satisfied with my work. Jorge spent the morning reading the internet and researching Honda generator problems and their fixes.
The research desk (aka the dining table in the main salon).

The generator in the work shop (aka on the cockpit table).

After lunch he was ready to tackle the generator. Because the problem started after he tipped the generator on its side to change the oil, he figured a float device had somehow malfunctioned. My solution was to give the thing a shake and free up the "float". While Jorge was studying the generator, I decided to tackle the hull. It was growing stuff. While I was cleaning the hull (above the water line, below the water line was too nasty and required more elbow grease than what I had), I heard the generator start in the cockpit. Jorge had tipped it on its side, simulating changing the oil, rocked it back and forth, then set it down and pulled the starter. Anyway it went. He thinks he solved the problem but in reality it was my idea to give the thing a shake! Who says women aren't mechanically inclined?

So, we got the cockpit cleaned, got one side of the hull cleaned (above the water line only), got the generator going and equalized the batteries. Four boat jobs done in one day, a very successful day.

We went to the yacht club late in the day. Today's showers were well deserved. We chatted with Dave a bit (fellow cruiser) and then headed back to CS'ta Time for dinner.

The evening was quiet, no clouds, quarter moon and lots of stars, 28C in the boat at 2100, little breeze. It is going to be a warm night!

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 24, 2014

The days are becoming a blur! I should jot something down every night so I don't have to try and remember what we have done the previous few days.

Jorge made a new locking mechanism for the dinghy, having borrowed a tool from a fellow cruiser to complete the project. Of course, the borrowed tool was quite rusty and the bolt broke. Another boat job, find a new bolt for the broken one.

After lunch we went into town to look for the bolt. After visiting a few hardware stores, Jorge got an angle as to who might have one. That's a trip for another day.

We had supper on board and a quiet evening (to start!)

July 25, 2014

As I said, I quiet evening to start. At 0100 a squall hit. Not a 5 minute Lake Simcoe squall but about an hour long one with lots of rain and high winds causing the boat to lean quite a bit. The anchor held and we were ok. Not so with a boat in one of the anchorages on the south side of the island! We always have our VHF radio on and listened to a boat calling for help after his anchor dragged and he was on the rocks in Prickly Bay. From what we understood, some fellow cruisers were able to assist while waiting for the Grenada Coast Guard and Rescue I to arrive. Luckily there was not much damage and the boat is seaworthy.

Jorge did some checking on the refrigeration system as he was concerned that it was malfunctioning. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary on the checkup.

We had quick showers, picked up Dave from GYC and headed to The Merry Bakery for Friday Burgers. It was Dave's first time and agreed it was a tasty deal.

Jorge and Dave waiting to be served the burgers by Nigel.

Jorge and I then went downtown St. George. A cruise ship was in so the streets were busy. We wandered around a bit and then headed home for supper.

Cruise ship en route from Brazil to Miami.
Tour trolley.

Local musicians outside cruise ship dock.

L - r: cargo ship, cruise ship leaving, schooner (at different distances.) 

July 26, 2014

As most stores in Grenada are only open in the morning on Saturday, we left the boat fairly early to check out another hardware store for the bolt we had to replace. Success! Of course on the way back to the dinghy we also hit CK's Superstore for cheap beer and the IGA for a few items. Besides both places had air conditioning and they were welcome stops during our walk! It had been raining on and off most of the morning but that didn't stop the heat, just made things muggy.

We had a late lunch, delivered the bolt and I did some internet stuff. Hotmail was asking for some info re "overprotective" stuff on my email account. I spent more than an hour "chatting" with them and hopefully have solved the issue. When computers/internet work, its great. When they don't, well its not polite to type what I think!

July 27, 2014

The morning was lazy.

We decided to go to Grand Anse Beach for the afternoon to our regular spot and listen to the steel band. Unfortunately the pool hall across the road from the beach was open and playing their "music" so loud we couldn't hear the band in the bar next to us! We persevered for a while then decided to move. It was a hot afternoon and all the shady areas further down the beach were taken so we went back to the boat. The Sunday music in front of the anchorage was already in full swing, so it seemed like we were doomed to listen to music. Today however the volume of the music coming from the beach was much lower and we were able to drown it out with our own.

Bedtime was 2130 and the music did not stop us from falling asleep tonight.

July 28, 2014

Ditto for the morning.

The refrigeration system was still causing Jorge concern, having a constant draw on the batteries. Of course anything "mechanical" is way over my head but he feels it is a battery problem and is going to equalize them today.

Its a warm one, 30.5C inside the boat, so we might head to the beach again. (The beach seems to be out of the question today as Jorge just changed the oil in the Honda generator and now it won't start! Another boat job.)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

En castellano despues del ingles. 
July 19, 2014

We had a quiet morning. Rain as usual until about 0900. Then the sun comes out and bakes us!

Junior sailors from GYC around CS'ta Time.
After lunch we decided to go to Grand Anse Beach and hang out. We packed a beach bag, took our beach chairs and books and off we went. We had a good afternoon swimming, reading and not doing too much of anything.

When getting back to the dinghy, we discovered that we didn’t have the key to unlock the dinghy from the dock. Oh, oh. After weighing our options, Jorge asked the restaurant owners for a hack saw, he got the blade only. If any of the young boys on the dock had any notion to get bad intentions later in life, Jorge gave them a first hand demonstration on how to cut the cable of a locked dinghy!

We got back to CS’ta Time just after 1700 in time to throw together some drinks and appetizers and head off to happy hour with a fellow Canadian on his boat with people from 4 other boats. We spent a nice evening with everyone and then headed home for a late supper.

July 20, 2014

We dinghied to the GYC by 1000 and caught a bus with three other cruisers to the south side of the island, Prickly Bay, to a “Treasures of the Bilge” sale, essentially a yard sale at the marina. We didn’t buy anything but had a good look around the sale and the marina and chatted with other cruisers.

We had lunch on board and a fellow from one of the boats next to us came over for the afternoon to help with our internet issues. He is a young fellow, working from his boat, dealing with internet security problems, a real computer whiz! He explained a lot of things to Jorge as to why the internet was so hit and miss in the anchorage.

The island is gearing up for Carnival so we were once again treated to local music coming from the beach in front of the anchorage starting at 1500. After supper, we put on one of our CD’s to drown out the music, then went below at 2200 to watch a movie. To bed at midnight (the real midnight) and listened to the music until 0100 when it finally stopped.

July 21, 2014

It was a very short night. The cruiser’s net starts at 0730 and we try to listen to it. Today was filled with getting showers, doing laundry, getting the propane tank filled and groceries. We were busy!

Supper was early as was bedtime.

July 22, 2014

Diana had emailed us last night to see if we wanted to do the third of Concord Falls with them and some other people. One thing about getting older, the memory starts to go and we forgot the challenge of the hike last week! We, of course, said yes so were up at 0730 to get ready.

We met Diana and Gilbert and Gwen and Guilloume at the bus terminal around 1000. The other people who were supposed to come decided against it so we ended up changing our destination to Grand Etang National Park for a hike. And what a hike! It started off easy enough but . . . We walked, climbed, crawled, clawed and scratched our way to the top of Mt. Qua Qua, the fourth highest peak in Grenada. We were in the clouds by the time we got to the top of the mountain. We had packed picnic lunches and had them under the leaves of the trees beside the trail, trying to avoid the rain. Of course after reaching the summit, we had to descend. On the parts of the trail where we almost crawled while going up, Jorge would say “retro” meaning time to turn around and go down that part backwards! And because of the rain and the fact that we were in the rain forest, the path was quite muddy and slippery. I pulled off a maneuver that even Tarzan would be proud of! Grabbing a tree branch during an exceptionally slippery part of the trail and only getting my skort a little muddy but keeping my white top out of the mud. In spots we had to grab the vegetation beside the trail to help keep our balance, some of which were quite prickly. Our arms looked like they were attacked by kittens by the end of the hike.

By the time we got back to the visitor centre it was raining again. We were trying to get our legs wet (but not our bodies) to get rid of the mud before we realized there was a faucet a little bit up the road, probably specifically for that purpose. We waited for the bus at a restaurant/bar so of course enjoyed a cold beer. The temp was much cooler in the rain forest and we were wet so I think a hot drink might have been better.
The only monkeys we saw . . . on a sign!

The beginning of the walk, very "manicured" trail.


Halfway through our walk, Grand Etang Lake in the background.

Gwen and Guilloume on the trail.
This is where the handrails would have come in handy, trail very narrow at this point.
Grand Anse Beach on the left in the background. Look close . . . there's our boat!

Grand Etang Lake, the crater of a volcano.

That line in the middle of the picture, in the bush, was our trail.
Kim at the start of the harder part of the trail.

To the summit.

Jorge, Veni, Vidi, Vici . . . Mt. Qua Qua.

Muddy legs and shoes.

The ladies all had a close encounter with the mud!
We got back to the boat, had supper around 1830 and packed it in for the night by 2200. It was raining quite hard, so we were glad to be out of the rain forest and tucked snuggly in our boat.

July 23, 2014

We don’t seem to do too much in the mornings. After breakfast, I do dishes which usually takes an hour by the time I wash, dry and put away. Jorge tries to get into the internet, lowers the dinghy for the day (we always put it up on the davits at night for security) and then it is time to start making lunch!

I made a couscous salad for the fellow who helped with the internet on Sunday. He and his family are vegetarians so we thought a salad might be appropriate as he wouldn’t take any money for his time. We delivered it to his boat, then Jorge drove me to the dinghy dock at Grand Anse. His brand of coffee is only sold at Spiceland Mall so to prevent a divorce . . . I also picked up a few other things. Jorge was off to Island World (like West Marine) to look for a cable to replace the one he cut on the dinghy. I caught the bus back to the GYC where Jorge was waiting, drinking beer and playing pool with an American, Dave, who we have befriended during our time here.

Empanadas for supper and a restful night.

The temp in the last week has been between 27C and 30C during the day and maybe 25C at night with rain mostly during the night, early morning and late evening. We generally have sunny days with cloudy periods (except when climbing mountains in the rain forest!)

 Ahora en castellano.

19 de julio, 2014

Después del almuerzo, decidimos ir a Grand Anse Beach y pasar el rato. Nos prepararon una bolsa de playa, tomamos nuestras sillas de playa y los libros y nos fuimos. Tuvimos una buena tarde nadando, leyendo y no hacer demasiado de cualquier cosa.

Al volver a la embarcación auxiliar, descubrimos que no teníamos la llave para abrir el candado desde el muelle. Oh, oh. Después de sopesar nuestras opciones, Jorge pidió a los dueños de restaurantes una sierra Si alguno de los chicos jóvenes en el muelle tenía ninguna noción de obtener malas intenciones en el futuro, Jorge les dio una primera demostración de como cortar el cable de un bote cerrado!

Regresamos a CS'ta Time justo después de 1700 a tiempo para juntar algunas bebidas y aperitivos  para la hora feliz con un compañero canadiense en su barco con gente de otros 4 barcos. Pasamos una tarde agradable con todo el mundo y luego nos dirigimos a casa para una cena tardía.

20 de julio 2014

Nos dinghied a la GYC en 1000 y cogimos un autobús con otros tres cruceros a la parte sur de la isla, Prickly Bay, a una "Tesoros de la sentina" a la venta, en esencia una venta de garaje en el puerto deportivo. No compramos nada, pero tenía una buena mirada alrededor de la venta y el puerto deportivo y conversamos con otros cruceros.

Tuvimos un almuerzo a bordo y un compañero de uno de los barcos al lado de nosotros se acercó por la tarde para ayudar con nuestros problemas en Internet. Él es un tipo joven, trabajando desde su barco, frente a los problemas de seguridad de Internet, un verdadero genio de las computadoras! Él nos explicó un montón de cosas a Jorge por qué el internet era tan impredecible en el fondeadero.

La isla se está preparando para el carnaval así que nos trataron una vez más a la música local que viene de la playa en frente del anclaje a partir de 1500. Después de la cena, nos ponemos uno de nuestros CDs de ahogar la música, y luego se fue abajo en 2200 para ver una película. A la cama a la medianoche (el verdadero medianoche) y escuchado la música hasta 0100 cuando finalmente se detuvo.

22 de julio 2014

Diana nos había enviado un correo electrónico ayer por la noche para ver si queríamos hacer el tercero de Concord Falls con ellos y algunas otras personas. Una cosa acerca de envejecer, la memoria empieza a ir y nos olvidamos el desafío de la subida de la semana pasada! Nosotros, por supuesto, dijo que sí lo fueron hasta en 0730 para prepararse.

Conocimos a Diana y Gilbert y Gwen y Guilloume en la terminal de autobuses a unos 1.000. Las otras personas que se suponía iban a venir decidieron en contra de ella, así que terminamos cambiando nuestro destino al Parque Nacional de Grand Etang para una caminata. Y lo que una caminata! Empezó bastante fácil, pero. . . Caminamos, subimos, arrastrábamos, con garras y arañado nuestro camino a la cima del monte. Qua Qua, el pico más alto el cuarto en Granada. Estábamos en las nubes en el momento en que llegamos a la cima de la montaña. Nos llevamos almuerzos de picnic y los hizo bajo las hojas de los árboles al lado de la pista, tratando de evitar la lluvia. Por supuesto, después de llegar a la cumbre, tuvimos que descender. En las partes del recorrido en el que casi nos arrastramos al subir, Jorge diría "retro" tiempo de dar la vuelta y bajar por la parte revés que significa! Y a causa de la lluvia y el hecho de que estábamos en la selva tropical, el camino estaba bastante embarrado y resbaladizo. Me quité una maniobra que incluso Tarzán se sentiría orgulloso de! Agarrando una rama de árbol durante una parte excepcionalmente resbaladizo de la pista y sólo conseguir mi skort un poco de barro pero manteniendo mi top blanco del barro. En los puntos que teníamos que agarrar la vegetación al lado del sendero para ayudar a mantener nuestro equilibrio, algunos de los cuales eran bastante espinoso. Nuestros brazos parecían que fueron atacados por los gatitos por el final de la caminata.

En el momento en que regresamos al centro de visitantes estaba lloviendo de nuevo. Estábamos tratando de conseguir nuestras piernas húmedo (pero no nuestros cuerpos) para deshacerse del barro antes de que nos dimos cuenta que era un grifo un poco arriba de la carretera, probablemente específicamente para ese propósito. Nos esperábamos el autobús en un restaurante / bar, así que, por supuesto, disfrutó de una cerveza fría. La temperatura estaba mucho más fresco en la selva tropical y estábamos mojados así que creo que una bebida caliente podría haber sido mejor.

Llegamos de nuevo al barco, cenamos alrededor de 1830 y envasados ​​en la noche por el 2200. Estaba lloviendo muy duro, así que nos alegramos de estar fuera de la selva tropical y escondido cómodamente en nuestro barco.

23 de julio 2014

No parece hacer demasiado por las mañanas. Después del desayuno, lo hago platos que generalmente toma una hora por el momento me lavo, seco y guardar. Jorge trata de entrar en el Internet, reduce el bote para el día (siempre ponemos para arriba en los pescantes en la noche por seguridad) y entonces es el momento para empezar a hacer el almuerzo!

Hice una ensalada de cuscús para el hombre que ayudó con el internet el domingo. Él y su familia son vegetarianos, así que pensé una ensalada puede ser apropiado como él no tomaría ningún dinero por su tiempo. Entregamos a su barco, entonces Jorge me llevó hasta el muelle bote en Grand Anse. Su marca de café sólo se vende en Spiceland centro comercial así que para evitar un divorcio. . . Yo también recogió algunas otras cosas. Jorge fue a la isla de mundo (como West Marine) para buscar un cable para reemplazar la que se cortó en el bote. Cogí el autobús de vuelta a la GYC donde Jorge estaba esperando, bebiendo cerveza y jugando al billar con un estadounidense, Dave, que hemos hecho amistad durante nuestro tiempo aquí.

Empanadas para la cena y una noche de descanso.

La temperatura en la última semana ha sido de entre 27C y 30C durante el día y tal vez 25C por la noche con la lluvia sobre todo durante la noche, por la mañana temprano y al atardecer. Generalmente tenemos días soleados con periodos nublados (excepto cuando escalar montañas en la selva!)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Here is a picture from July 15, 2014, the video did not upload.

Early morning rainbow.
July 17, 2014

Last night we received an email from Diana and Gilbert wanting to know if we were game for another walk to Concord Falls. Gwen and Guillome of Slow Waltz from Oakville, and whom we first met in the Bahamas, were also game. The six of us met at the bus terminal in St. George and then boarded a bus to Concord Falls. We had thought about taking a taxi to the first falls and then walking to the second falls. Unfortunately no taxi was available so we walked . . . an hour on paved road up hill and then 45 minutes on a path through the rain forest to the second falls. At times the path was muddy and we had to cross the river many times. Finally we reached the falls and they were gorgeous! We had picnic lunches, ate freshly picked mangoes and swam. We were beginning to dry off from the swim when it began to rain. We decided to stay in our bathing suits and start walking back. I never thought I would say it but we felt a chill coming out of the waterfalls with the rain falling. Of course on the way back, the path was muddier and quite slippery and I have the scrapes on my shins to prove it!

The second of three falls making up Concord Falls.

The pool at the bottom of the falls (freshly picked mangoes on the rock to the left).

Looking up to the top of the falls.

Jorge enjoying a fresh mango.
Kim with the Concord Falls behind.

After lunch and a swim.

Farmers cultivate vegetations on any flat area on the way to the falls.

Muddy path, sometimes ankle deep!

Crossing the river for the umpteenth time.

Jorge on part of the path leading to the falls.
Souvenier shops, paved road ends here at the first falls, rain forest path begins.


By the time we reached the paved part of the road on the way back, the skies had cleared and as we descended it got quite warm again. By the time we got to the main road, we were ready for a cold beer which we enjoyed before catching the bus back to St. George.

We walked part of the way back to the yacht club from the bus terminal, where we left the dinghy, before finally catching a bus the rest of the way. It was almost a 4 hour walk today and our legs were beginning to feel it! It was a great day though and it was good to see Diana and Gilbert and Gwen and Guillome again.

We had dinner in the cockpit, enjoyed the sunset with our wine and then turned in by 2130.

July 18, 2014

It was very overcast when we awoke and the rain started shortly after 0800. It continued to rain until late morning, part of the time again forcing us to retreat into the boat from the cockpit. We even had a flash of lightening and quite a loud clap of thunder.

The rain had stopped by noon so we were able to take the dinghy to shore to partake in Friday Burger Day. The Cruiser’s WiFi has not been as good as promised so we hung out at the yacht club for the afternoon, doing internet stuff and watching some news on t.v. I also needed to post some snail mail again so off I went for a walk to the post office. Like I needed the walk after yesterday! We had a few rain showers off and on during the day but the temp was a comfortable 26C to 27C. Rain is forecast for the next three days with temp around 30C.

Back to the boat late afternoon for dinner.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014

We had a very subdued day today.

Upon opening our emails this morning, we were shocked first and then devastated to learn that a long time member of HYC and personal friend of 15 years had suddenly passed away the day before. We had enjoyed many good times with Ron and his wife Cheryl at the HYC clubhouse, on each others' boats, at each others' homes and at various other social events. He was strong with unwavering supportive during my health crisis a few years previously for which I was, and am, exceptionally grateful.

Our thoughts, prayers and love go out to his wife, Cheryl, and their family.

Rest in peace Ron. You will be missed good friend.

July 14, 2014


That's all I am going to say about Argentina's 1-0 loss to Germany in the final of the World Cup. The empanadas, salad and Malbec wine last night were good though.

We did some financial stuff and internet banking this morning on the boat and then went to town in the afternoon as we had some snail mail to post.

We had met an American couple at the yacht club while watching some of the soccer matches. We stopped by their boat and invited them for sundowners. They arrived to CS'ta Time shortly after 1800. We had sundowners, moon uppers and star glazers until 2300! They have been cruising for 10 years so had lots of stories to tell and we had a few of our own. It wasn't all boat talk though. We threw in some family stories, good jokes, political issues and had the world problems solved by the end of the night! 

July 15, 2014.

The morning was pretty much wasted away, well not really, I enjoyed reading my book and Jorge was reading news on the internet.

After lunch we went to town to the post office again. Diana and Gilbert had some mail sent in care of us at Port Louis Marina and it finally came in so we picked it up for them. We were also in search of distilled water for the batteries. We found some at the hardware store, returned to the boat and topped up the batteries. Sounds easy right? Well four of the six batteries are under the v-berth so we had to remove the bedding, mattress and boards to get to the batteries. The batteries are positioned in such a way that it was almost impossible to undo the caps. Jorge, after finally wiggling into a contortionist's position, got the job accomplished with him holding the funnel and the tubing and me pouring the water. It was almost as challenging for Jorge to get out of the position as it was getting into it LOL. Cruising has been described as "the privilege of fixing your boat in exotic places". So one has to ask why do so many people do it? Having a sip of wine in the warm evening air in the Caribbean Sea watching the sun set kinda says everything.

Bedtime was early as it had been a late evening the night before.

We are at GYC and I forgot my cable to download pictures from the camera to the computer, so pictures will follow the next time I blog.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 8, 2014

We finished watching the unbelievable match between Brazil and Germany. Suffice it to say, the Brazilian lady sitting beside Jorge was almost in tears at the end of the game!

July 9, 2014

We spent the morning doing not much of anything. We had lunch, dinghied over to the empanada bakery and then to the yacht club to watch the match between Argentina and Holland. Diana and Gilbert caught a bus from their anchorage on the south side of Grenada at Hog Island and joined us at the yacht club for the game.

Jorge and Kim pre-game.

Jorge and Diana - friends before the game.

More Holland fans than Argentine fans.

Kim and Diana still speaking at half time.

An out-of-focus but happy Jorge and a sad Diana after the game.

Supper of salad and empanadas with vino aboard CS'ta Time post-game.

July 10, 2014

Mon Dieu did it ever rain this morning! Not just the 5 - 10 minute shower we are used to but at least an hour down pour and it was pretty intense. We weren't even able to sit in the cockpit and enjoy breakfast, we had to retreat inside the boat.

Jorge went to the yacht club in the afternoon to get internet. I stayed onboard doing chores, ie dishes, cutting and chopping making a mango salsa to accompany pork chops for supper. When Jorge returned to the boat we had planned on going into town but because it was still raining (off and on) and windy we decided to watch a movie instead. A fellow cruiser downloaded some of his movies onto our computer so we picked "Hang 'Em High" to watch (the movie that made me fall in love with Clint Eastwood!)

After the movie the rain had stopped so we had appetizers and drinks in the cockpit. Jorge spotted two boats making their way into the anchorage. When viewing them with the binoculars, he discovered it was the Grenada Coast Guard towing a 42' cat that had demasted! Not a pretty site. The furler was half in the water as was part of the main sail. The boom appeared to be laying on the bimini and we're not sure exactly where the mast was but it sure wasn't in its usual spot. It was a charter boat, what a way to ruin your vacation.  Good to know that the Grenada Coast Guard is ready and available.

July 11, 2014

Jorge subscribed to Cruiser's WiFi so with the aid of the booster we now have internet onboard and we no longer have to pack up the computer and go ashore to "keep in touch" with the world. (Unfortunately while doing this blog, the pictures were not downloading so it will be off to shore to download the pictures, darn.)

We attended Friday Build Your Own Burger Day and then caught the bus to CK Superstore Warehouse where we browsed and found the price of beer cheaper than anywhere else. A local drove us to Budget Marine where we again browsed. Onto True Blue Resort and Marina. Friends are coming for a visit in November so we were checking the place out.

Jorge at Friday Build Your Own Burger Day.

Bar at True Blue Resort getting ready for the final.

Kim in front of the reception at True Blue Resort.


House across the street from True Blue Resort.
The rainy season has certainly brought out the colourful vegetation

Aluminium forest (boats on the hard at Spice Island Marine).

Local seagull at Grand Anse Beach.

 Back to the boat for dinner and a quiet evening.

July 12, 2014

This morning we went to the bakery to buy empanadas for tomorrow (the bakery is closed on Sundays). I have bought them for every Argentine game and they have won every time. Superstitious maybe, but I'm not taking any chances. Besides I love heating up someone else's hard work and just making a salad for supper.

We then went to Grand Anse by dinghy in search of a good bottle of wine to celebrate Argentina's upcoming win over Germany on Sunday (or dare I say to drown our sorrows should they lose).

We had lunch onboard, then went to the yacht club and watched Holland beat Brazil for 3rd place. Poor Brazil, they must be devastated! Hooray for Holland (and Diana).

Back to CS'ta Time for dinner and another quiet evening.

July 13, 2014

Oh boy, what can I say! Jorge is wound up like a top. Argentina vs Germany for the World Cup this afternoon! Diana and Gilbert are planning on coming from their anchorage to watch the game with us and I am sure the yacht club will be packed. We are going tearly to stake out good seats!