The months of May, June and July have just flown by with preparations of the boat and crew getting ready for cruising south.
On July 20 we headed to Lagoon City for the annual pig roast hosted by LCYC. It was our shake down sail and I am happy to report nothing was shaken down with wind gusts to 24 knots! We had a wonderful time (as always) with the LCYC members. We eagerly listened to the retelling of stories from sailors who had cruised south hoping to pick up more tips for our trip. The sail back to HYC the following morning well, wasn't. We had wind gust to only 4 knots. However I am again happy to report that the engine purred like a kitten all the way home. The trip home also gave us time to become more familiar with the new electronics.
Things so far are on schedule for our departure date of August 6. We anxiously await our first weather window!