We are on the Hudson River, north of NYC. How did we get here, well . . .
May 15, 2015
We left Old Point Comfort in Mill Creek, Hampton (Norfolk, Virginia) just before 0800, heading to the marina for fuel. Upon arrival we were met with a sign "Pumps Closed". Plan B, we headed across Hampton Roads to Willoughby Harbour only to be greeted by a fellow boater on the dock who informed us there was no fuel here, go back across Hampton Roads south of where we were for a marina. Plan C, we headed to Little Creek Inlet as it was, at least, on our way out of the Chesapeake. We were successful in getting fuel and water. We left the marina at 1050 and headed to the Atlantic, crossing Highway 13 (where it becomes a tunnel) at the small boat channel area. We had decided to take the Delmarva coast off shore and avoid all the crab pots in the Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware Bay! We had good weather and motor sailed the entire way, making good time, instead of our predicted 30 - 31 hours we made it in 26 hours. The winds were with us for a change.

Check out the sailboat at the stern of the ship.
More weird looking military machines.
May 16, 2015
We arrived in Cape May at 1100, fueled up and then slept for a few hours. We had caught up to Shawn and Leanne as they had travelled the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. Our plan was to travel from Cape May to Atlantic Highlands (Sandy Hook) together as they had never done an overnighter on the ocean and they had no radar but we did. We had happy hour with them, discussed the passage and planned to leave Cape May the following morning.
May 17, 2015
As scheduled, our two boats left Cape May at 1000. There was a bit of fog, visibility being about 2 miles for a couple of hours but otherwise the passage was uneventful. The seas were unbelievably calm and we had no wind, a total motor trip, taking 20-1/2 hours.
Sunrise along the Jersey coast.
May 18, 2015
We set anchor at 0630 behind the breakwall at Atlantic Highlands. By 0700 we were asleep only to be awoken by the sound of strong winds and waves. Upon investigating (popping his head out of the companionway and checking the instruments) Jorge discovered the winds were blowing 25+ kts and it was so foggy we couldn't see the boats anchored next to us. Boy, we made into the anchorage just in the nick of time!
We all went out for dinner to celebrate Shawn, Leanne and Daeyten's first overnighter.
Shawn and Leanne aboard Suenos, celebrating their first ocean overnighter.
Jorge and I decided to stay in Atlantic Highlands for a few days and rest up, doing some laundry, groceries and I got a haircut, the first in almost a year.
May 21, 2015
We left Atlantic Highlands at 0940. Luckily there was no fog this morning, the last two mornings we had been fogged in until noon hour! We made it to NYC, 79th St. Boat Basin and took a mooring ball for a week. We again caught up with Shawn and Leanne as they only spent one night in Atlantic Highlands.
Arriving in New York City from Atlantic Highlands.
We had been in contact with Lynn and Sally (who we had meet in Atlantic Highlands on our way south in Sept 2013) who live in Long Island. We agreed to meet them for lunch tomorrow.
May 22, 2015
We meet Lynn and Sally at the marina and enjoyed lunch with them in Manhattan. As their sailboat (Freedom 40) winters in Rhode Island and was ready to sail to its summer home in Long Island, they asked us if we wanted to join them. Of course! We drove from Manhattan to the ferry in Orient at the end of Long Island to Conneticut then drove to Barrington, Rhode Island that day/night.
May 23, 2015
We were underway from Barrington at 0800. We had a wonderful sail for the first few hours after which time Mother Nature took a nasty turn and brought on high winds and rough seas, both on the nose! Flashes of the south side of Puerto Rico appeared before my eyes, however with much colder temperatures - we were all in long johns and winter coats! Lynn wisely chose to cut the passage short. We were originally supposed to sail to Block Island but we turned into the bay at Point Judith and took a slip at the marina. Block Sound was just too rough and the Block Island anchorage was not good for these conditions. So instead we had an early happy hour!
Lynn and Sally.
Jorge and Lynn.
May 24, 2015
Lynn had us up just before 0600. He was keen to go until he read the "small craft advisory" on the weather forecast. Okay, so we wait for better weather. We had breakfast at the grocery store/cafeteria and then spent the rest of the day chatting, reading and snoozing. Basically relaxing. Good thing we waited for weather, a local boater who had come into the marina in the afternoon described "out there" as being "sporty"! Supper was fresh lobster bought at the local fish store.
Jorge, Lynn and Sally at grocery store/cafeteria for breakfast.
Jorge and Lynn with supper.
May 25, 2015
Again Lynn was eager to get going. We were up at 0500 today! How could you tell this was his first time out on the boat this season? Today the weather was good, no small craft advisory, winds 10 to 14 kts. Well, there was no wind, go figure, blowing a gale yesterday and nothing today! We motored the whole day under sunny skies and much warmer temperatures.
We arrived at their summer slip on Long Island by 1300. After closing up the boat, Lynn and Sally drove us back to Manhattan. We had a short happy hour aboard CS'ta Time. Everything was okay leaving her on a mooring ball for four days. We then walked and found an Italian restaurant and ordered pizza, after failing to get one delivered to the marina.
We said farewell to Lynn and Sally after making arrangements to get together again, soon, somewhere.
Southern Belle at her summer slip.
May 26, 2015
We were tired from the four days spent with Lynn and Sally so we had a very lazy morning, not even getting off the boat until 1400. We wandered around really aimlessly, in and out of Central Park, along the streets, sightseeing and not doing anything too strenuous.
Trump Hotel.
New Yorker's take their cycling seriously. They even have traffic lights for bikes!
May 27, 2015
This morning was almost a repeat of yesterday. However in the afternoon we walked along the waterfront to 48th Street. Jorge wanted to tour the aircraft carrier, submarine and shuttle. That didn't tickle my fancy so I took a book and read in the park and people watched while Jorge got his fill of machine stuff.
May 28, 2015
Our week was up on the mooring ball. Time to move on. We left NYC and headed up the Hudson, setting anchor in Green Cove, Haverstraw Bay.
The temperatures have continued to warm up, with today's high almost reaching 30C, a far cry from last Saturday when we were in winter coats with Lynn and Sally.